A good friend/coworker of mine, Jimbo Insell recommended me for this one. Once the initial phone calls and emails happened and I read the script, I knew I had to do this one. It is important. It is a story to tell, it was unraveling as we were creating! It has a pulse. The voices of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women/People need to be heard. #mmiw

Once the initial costumes were created, I then went into builds mode. I had Raven to build. He is magical and spectacular, so I made to match point.

Raven was a great challenge. How do I make him look spectacular behind paper. This is how….

Now this journey of theatre is new for me. When we revisited God’s Lake, 2019, I worked with co-writer Kevin Burton on redesigning the shadow character. Collaborating with the writer of any production reveals so many threads. We workshopped a new costume and I was able to create what the writer was seeing. I appreciate these moments with writers.

Here is the latest rendition of the shadow character in God’s Lake